*Log in with your 易胜博 email and password
The counseling staff is committed to student advocacy and to making the learning experience at 易胜博 a positive one. All issues discussed with a counselor are treated confidentially and with respect for your privacy. We can only release certain confidential information with your permission and a signed Release of Information Document.
We offer a broad range of services to help students achieve their educational goals, including:
- Personal Counseling
- Academic Advising
- Career counseling
- Crisis Intervention
- Support for dealing with grief
- Academic planning to meet your educational goals
- Intervention for students on academic suspension appeal or probation
Meet with Your Advisor or Counselor
Current students can schedule an appointment online to meet with their assigned advisor or counselor. For questions or assistance, please call 507-285-7260.
易胜博 Counseling Staff
Deb Vang, MA Counselor
Full-Time, Certified College Counselor, Certified MN Career Tools Associate, Credentialed College Counselor